There will be a change to the times for online classes in July, this is partly due to the easing of lockdown and as the summer holidays are coming.

Times for July are;

MONDAY  7 – 8.15 PM

TUESDAY 7 – 8.15 PM

FRIDAY 9 – 10.30 AM


While I take a break I don’t want you to miss out on doing your yoga practice, so, I have a plan; I will record a couple of classes per week and upload them to a Private Facebook Group.

In these classes, (just as I usually do) I will demonstrate the asanas, I will teach verbally so that you can join in. The classes will allow you the luxury to do the sequence of asanas at a time that suits you. Payment for the classes will work via an honesty policy; when you have finished a class, you would pay by bank transfer (or paypal) if you prefer. If this is something you would like to participate in, please like my Facebook Page (lightonyouyoga) as this will help me to find you on Facebook and invite you to join the group.  🙏🏼

In line with IY(UK) teachers insurance, please be advised…

Disclaimer: I am providing these sequences/program for my students. In joining this sequence/program you agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which you may incur as a result.


The Meaning of Yoga is to join together.

While doing the asanas we work on the physical outer body, through the instructions given we are able to focus the mind, internally, concentrating on different areas of the body to help us to achieve the asanas. We then can utilize the breath. For example in the sequence below, while twisting, we inhale and lift and exhale to turn. In doing so we join together Body, Mind and Breath – which as I said earlier yoga means to join 🕉

Below I have put together a sequence of asanas, some of which we have recently worked on, I hope this enables you to begin a self-practice on your own.

Included is the asana Parigasana, it is what you could call an assisting pose; here it helps to prepare for the twisting action of Parivrrta Trikonasana, but it’s also really helpful to do before backbends, as it was in last practice sheet I sent out.

Parivrrta means revolve. This action has the effect of increasing the blood supply to the lower part of the spine and can help to alleviate pain in the lower back. In our everyday lives we rarely twist, this can cause stiffness in this area as it can reduce circulation and blood flow to the nerves of the spinal cord.

You could easily do this action every day, by just standing in Tadasana side on to a wall, feet hip-width apart, inhale and lift exhale and turn to place your fingertips onto the wall. Repeat with the breath for 3 or 4 breaths and then turn around and do the opposite side.


Start all standing asanas from Tadasana, and repeat on the second side when required.

Come out of the asanas by reversing the instructions of how you went in. Remember there’s no rush, enjoy each stage of the pose 🙏🏼


  • Spread the sole of the foot, join the big toes and inner heel.
  • Bend the knees and join the inner legs. Straighten the legs, lifting the kneecaps and front thighs up, and moving the shins back.
  • Lift the front body up, and roll the shoulders down. Outer upper arms roll back to broaden the collarbones.
  • Lengthen and lift the spine, crown of the head up to the ceiling.

Stand against a wall to see that the alignment is correct. Lift the toes up and see how the thighs move back, keep them back as you take your toes down.


  • Lie face down on the floor, hands by the sides of the chest with the fingertips under the shoulders. Spread the palms of the hands, middle finger pointing forwards.
  • Tuck the toes under, feet hip-width or wider apart. Press on the hands, come up onto the knees, do not move the distance between the feet and hands.
  • Be on the balls of the feet with the knees slightly bent, lift the hips and be aware of how you are lengthening the sides of the body.
  • Press the hands and feet and lift the hips up high. Slowly straighten the legs without losing the previous actions.
  • Outer arms move towards the thigh, keep the collar bones wide. And allow the head to hang down.

For stiff shoulders, take the hands to a wall, and press the thumb and index finger into the wall. To connect with straightening the legs, press the centre of the back of the heels into the wall.



  • From kneeling at the front edge of your mat, sit back on the heels to establish the spreading of the weight along the shins, ankles and metatarsals.
  • Carefully come up to kneeling, without losing this action (also needed when doing Ustrasana)
  • Turning from the top of the right thigh, bend the right leg to the side, then stretch the leg out. Open the chest as you stretch out the arms at shoulder height.
  • Extend both sides of the truck sideways, taking the lower hand to the shin, bring the upper arm onto the waist, and lift the top shoulder up as you turn from the lower ribs, to maintain the rotation of the chest.
  • Turn the palm on the shin up to the ceiling and sliding the fingers towards the toes, connect the elbow towards the knee.
  • Turn the trunk towards the ceiling as you lift the top shoulder and the extend the arm over by the ear, with the palm facing down.

Place the big toe joint of the straight leg on to a brick or into a wall if the toes are not yet able to extend to the ground. In the final pose the hands’ touch.


  • Begin with all the above points for Tadasana
  • Bring the arms across the chest at shoulder height, bend the knees and either step or jump the feet and arms apart.
  • See that the feet are level. Have the little toe and outer heel aligned, press this outer edge firmly down.
  • The arch of the foot lifts to the inner knee. The backs of the legs broaden from inside out; top creases on the back thighs, Open the backs of the knees, broaden the back of the calves.
  • Lift up from the sides of the hips into the armpits, evenly front and back.
  • Stretch the arms out at shoulder level, project the extension as though it is going beyond your fingertips
  • Keep the hands in this alignment, but imagine they are pressing down into something heavy.

Remember the alignment from Tadasana, Working to have the back of the heels, tailbone and back of the head aligned, again you could use a wall. 


Now work as you previously did first in Tadasana and then in Utthita Hasta Padasana, from there…

  • Lift up the toes of the left foot and turn them well in, lift the toes of the right foot and turn from the root of the thigh so that the leg and foot are turned out 90 degrees.
  • Bring the hands to the hips.
  • Turn from inside out on the back of the left leg. Press into the outer heel of that foot to help to turn, the legs should be straight and steady.
  • The hands help to encourage the turn, the thumb spreading the left buttock, away from the sacrum.
  • Lift up from the pubic bone to navel, navel to sternum and sternum to the chin and lookup. Elbows gather in.
  • Hinge from the hips, keep the chin lifting. As you go forwards bring the hands down on the floor or on to equipment, either side of the foot.
  • Stay with the arms and legs straight, bring the awareness to the distribution of weight between the feet, pressing the hands to help if the weight needs adjusting.
  • Exhale and extend down along the leg, aim to bring the chin to the shin.

If the heel of the back foot is struggling to reach the ground, press it into a wall to connect.


Building on the work that has been done in Tadasana, Utthita Hasta Padasana and in Parsvottanasana

  • Work through the previous points until the hand are on the floor in PARSVOTTANASANA, arms and legs straight.
  • Bring the left hand to the outer heel of the right foot, allow the forearm to press the shin, this helps to steady the pose.
  • Bring the right hand on to the waist.
  • Rotate the trunk and lift the right shoulder to the ceiling
  • Lift the lower ear away from the ground to align with the spine.
  • Lift the arm and stretch up beyond the fingertips
  • Look up towards the fingertips

Glance down to see the nose aligns to the ankle, quite often the head needs taking back. A brick could be used to lift the floor up for the fingertips.


  • Sitting down, extend the legs out straight in front of you.
  • See that you are sitting evenly on the buttock bones, broaden the creases at the top of the back of the thighs from inside out.
  • Be on the centre of the back of the heels with the legs together, extending the heels away.
  • Place the hands at the side of the hips and lift the spine. Lengthen from the tailbone to the crown of the head.
  • The thighs release down to the floor while the sides of the torso lift up.
  • Roll the upper arms back and widen the collar bones.
  • Tadasana action of spreading the feet.

If there is tightness in the hamstrings, sit up on pads or blankets, see that the equipment does not go beyond the creases at the top of the back thighs. The weight should be evenly distributed on both buttock bones. If this is difficult practice with the back against the wall or the feet pressing into the wall.


  • From Dandasana
  • Bend the right knee and take the left leg under, lift up the buttocks and place the little toe side of the foot/heel pressing into the mat horizontally.
  • Place the buttocks, one buttock bone of the heel and the other on the big toe joint.
  • Join the back of the thigh/ calf of the right leg, as in Marichyasana
  • Establish your balance
  • Take the right foot and place it on the outer left thigh.
  • Stretch up the left arm and on an exhalation, turn and simultaneously bend the elbow and bring the outer elbow to the outer right knee. This action can be repeated.
  • The left side of the body needs to fully connect with the right thigh, there should be no gaps. The armpit connecting with the knee.
  • Straighten the left arm to hold the right big toe
  • Once you are stable, bend the right arm and take it behind the waist, rolling the shoulder back.

If balancing on the foot is difficult, place a folded blanket between the foot and the buttocks. 


  • Repeat Adho Mukha Savasana, using the above instructions, but this time have something soft to place the head on to. Fix the body and then take the mind to watch the breath, as you hold the pose.

Don’t forget to end with Savasana…

Please get in contact if you have any questions or queries, and It would be really lovely to hear how you are getting on.

I hope you will find these home practice sequences helpful.

Remember to work at your own level of experience, where needed take the additional support of props, just as you would during a class.

If you do follow these sequences, you will be doing so at your own risk and taking full responsibility.

Thank you for your continued support  🙏🏼