Practice sequence from Geeta S. Iyengar for the International Day of Yoga, 21st June
I have made a slight change here from Namaskarasana, where the palms are together, to Baddhanguliyasana, which will help to maintain the arms being straight.Urdhva HastasanaUttanasanaAdho Mukha SvanasanaUrdhva Mukha SvanasanaUttanasanaTadasanaUtthita TrikonasanaUtthita ParsvakonasanaVirabhadrasana 1Parivrrta TrikonasanaParsvottanasanaPrasarita Padottanasana Dandasana Janu SirsasanaUpavistha Konasana, now to go a little deeper, stretch the arms up and extend forwards, bending from the hips, in Adho MukhaVirasana – ParvatasanaSwastikasana, interlock the fingers and stretch up the arms into ParvatasanaDandasana, turn to the right, the left hand holds the outer knee and the right hand, finger tips in an inverted cup pressing aligns with the spine, as you inhale lift up the spine and as you exhale turning from the navel, chest and shoulder.Bharadvajasana 1Marichyasana 3Urdhva Mukha SvanasanaDhanurasanaUstrasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Sirsasana Sarvangasana HalasanaChatushpadasanaSetu Banda SarvangasanaSavasana Sit in Dhyana (meditation)
Please do as per your own requirements, and remember, where needed use props.