New Year Yoga

New Year Yoga Workshop

This will be held at Hebden Therapy Centre, 10th, 11th and 12th of January 2020

I think everyone who joined me, at the last workshop will agree,

we had a great time at MDIY, using all the equipment.

And, with that in mind, I thought we could get the ‘New Year‘ off to a great start.

 Here are the details,

Location: Hebden Therapy Centre

The cost will be £78.00

The workshop will include Asana and Pranayama practice.

Friday 10th January 7pm-9pm

Saturday 11th January 11am-4pm

Sunday 12th January 11am-4pm

Saturday and Sunday sessions will include a lunch break

(please bring something for a light lunch)

Workshops are taught at a slower pace than a regular class, this offers the opportunity for clear demonstration, explanation of the where the postures focus is and then discussion. This allows you time for recovery in between poses and helps you have a clearer understanding of the postures, along with confidence when doing your own practice.

Here are some images from the workshop in ‘January 19’

To reserve a place, email at

A date to add to your diary…

I will be running another Yoga Holiday in Tucholskie, Poland from 1st – 8th June 2020…

More info to follow very soon <3
